Carte Yu-Gi-Oh! - XYZ-Dragon Cannon [MFC-052]

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Nom en Français :

Nom en Anglais : XYZ-Dragon Cannon

Rareté : Ultra Rare

Attribut :

Niveau/Rang : 8

Edition : Magician's Force

Id : MFC-052

Texte de la Carte


"X-Head Cannon" + "Y-Dragon Head" + "Z-Metal Tank"

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by removing from play the above cards on your side of the field. (You do not use "Polymerization"). This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. By discarding 1 card from your hand, destroy 1 card on your opponent's side of the field.

ATK/2800   DEF/2600