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Canister Vs Upright Vacuum: Which One Is Better For Your House?

There are many types of vacuum cleaners on the market with many different models. However, canister vacuum and upright vacuum are always the best rated vacuum cleaners trusted by customers.

Many people wonder about the difference between these two types of vacuum cleaners. Not sure which one will suit their home? If you are wondering the same thing, then check out the pros and cons best vacuum cleaner reviews below!

Overview of Canister and Upright vacuum

The names Canister and Upright derive from their shape and design. The upright vacuum cleaner can stand upright and balance on its floor head. The nozzle, the trash can, and the handle are attached as a whole.

On the other hand, canister vacuums separate the motor and dustbin from the handle and suction head. A hose (hose) connects the handle and the suction head to the canister (where the engine and dustbin are).

Two types of top vacuum cleaners will meet your cleaning needs. However, each class will have its advantages and disadvantages regarding suction power, usage, weight, etc. Find out which vacuum cleaner you will be best suited for through the following Vacuum Cleaner Reviews .

Canister vacuum

1/ Advantages

Noise level

Canister vacuums are quieter than average - in the 60 - 65 decibels (DBS) range compared to 70 dB. A few DBS may not seem like much, but decibels are logarithmic. Easier to understand, 73 dBs would be twice as loud as 70 dBs.

Weight and flexibility

The Canister models will always be lighter than the Upright models. Canister's design is also more flexible because you don't need to move the whole machine when cleaning the house. They are also more convenient for stairs and narrow spaces.

Retractable power cord

With a retractable cord design, Canister vacuums reduce the possibility of entanglement in your electrical cords.

Suction force

In general, Canister has better suction power than Upright when used for bare floors such as hardwood floors. However, with carpets, using Upright vacuums will be more effective.

2/ Disadvantage

Not easy to keep

With the hose, wand, and nozzle unable to stand on their own, the Canister takes up more space for storage.

Upright vacuum

1/ Advantages

Easy to use

The unity of an upright vacuum makes it easy to push or carry the entire machine around the house. You can stand upright to control instead of having to bend your back like a canister.

Easy to Store

Also, thanks to standing upright on a large head floor, these machines do not take up much space to store.

Big suction head

The large nozzle also allows the machine to clean larger spaces faster.

Easy to clean

The trash can is easy to remove and install, making cleaning after each use easier.

2/ Disadvantage

Noise level

The least noisy sample is also at 70 dBs. They are always more boisterous than the Canister models.

Weight and flexibility

An upright machine can weigh 20 Lbs or more, making it a bit heavy to operate. This type will also be difficult to use for stairs and corners, under tables and chairs.

The Best Rated Vacuum Cleaners brands mostly produce Canister and Upright vacuums. Hopefully, this basic review will help you understand the differences between the two designs. The model will have its strengths, so choose the one that suits you and your family's lifestyle.

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